Entries by Simone Würtz

New game out now!

Splatter Space Here you can be up to 6 players / teams. And you have to fill up the flask with alien splat first. The flask gets filled as more aliens you step on. But you must be fast, because they are moving all the time, and make sure you don’t hit one of the others. […]

An amazing week at NOT in Netherlands!

The previous week we went to Netherlands to show off Active Floor, and the interest and feedback we received was unbelievable! Five days of success With the amount of interest for the concept, and with a lot of people visiting the stand, we couldn’t have asked for a better start at the Dutch market. NOT is […]

Active Floor in Danish hospitals – a haven in a difficult time

More and more children’s wards invests in the interactive floor, and there is good reason why. “Playing is an important part of a child’s hospital stay.” It emphasizes Professor Bent Ottesen, Rigshospitalet here. Rigshospitalet leads the way … Rigshospitalet has undoubtedly led the way and has installed Active Floor solutions a great joy to the kids […]

Teachers are thrilled at Langhøj school

Movement in the learning process provides improved academic results   Langhøj School in Denmark is working with movement and learning consciously. The investment in Active Floor – an interactive floor – gives them even more opportunities to pursue their educational principles into practice. Active Floor was installed in December 2015 at Langhøj School. The decision […]

Bett show 2016 – heading for success

During week 3 we took of to London, heading Europe’s biggest education trade shows. We were loaded with expectations, excitement and energy; because we knew that it would be four tough days. We had a lot of visitors at our stand everyday; teachers, students, principals, parents, university students and others. Everybody with a huge enthusiasm […]