Vasiliy Leschuk:

Learning, play, movement, development and teamwork via Active Floor! – Hear about why Vasiliy had Active Floors installed on all 4 campuses of The British International School in Ukraine.
Little more than half a year ago, Vasiliy was in the airport on his way to a vacation, when he suddenly noticed a floor of water – interactive water which moved when you walked on it. This was Vasiliy’s first encounter with an interactive floor.
“This concept would be a great fit for small children – here, they could really burn off some energy, I thought,” says Vasiliy and continues:
“When I looked it up on the internet, however, I quickly found out that an interactive floor not only can be used as an activity for small children – it can also be used in the teaching of older students.”
To bring in interactive learning in every day school life, the school board had to back the concept. Therefore, when Vasiliy came home from his vacation, he told the board about his experience and his idea about having an interactive floor at their schools. The idea of combining both play and learning quickly got the approval of the board.
However, according to Vasiliy, it proved to be a bit of a challenge to find an interactive floor which could meet his and the school board’s expectations in his local neighbourhood: their ambition was to have an interactive floor which could be used for learning and education, and even more important that you could create your own learning content for the floor.
“First, I tried investigating what our local providers in Ukraine could offer, but I quickly found out that their software was too simple. So simple that I actually considered developing my own software and games,” Vasiliy tells.
Seeking to fulfil their ambitions to find a floor which could combine play and learning, the board from Ukraine went to London to visit Europe’s largest teaching and EdTech show, Bett. Here, the board experienced Active Floor among other things.
The board returned to Ukraine, full of experiences, new exciting knowledge and catalogues from various providers – and this was where the process of determination really began.
“When we returned from Bett, we compared the quality and price of Active Floor with the other providers. We soon found out that Active Floor was the perfect solution for us – here, price and quality added up,” Vasiliy explains.
In the beginning of June, Active Floor’s team went to Ukraine and installed Active Floor in all of the 4 departments of The British International School in Ukraine – and the children has welcomed Active Floor with open arms.
“The kids are queuing up to try the floor – they absolutely love it! The interactive floor is really good for project and teamwork, and it has benefitted on the social scale as well. Now the children aren’t standing in separate corners – they are working and playing together,” explains Vasiliy and continuous:
“I will, without a doubt, recommend Active Floor to others. I am very pleased with the user-friendly floor, the good service and, apart from that, the fact that Active Floor is cost-effective.”
The British International School in Ukraine offers high quality international education and preps the students to get into the best universities around the world.
The school is a member of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) who represents more than 265 schools in 75 countries.