“SPORTsWall offers the same options as ActiveFloor, but here you get the added element of throwing the ball. So you have to judge how close you are to the wall, how hard you have to throw, you have to grab the ball when it comes back, combined with solving a challenger either using quick mental arithmetic or the knowledge you have. Combining the two really challenges the children in a totally unique way as they have to maintain full coordination and control over their bodies. It gives the children a completely different and fun way to learn.
I think the best thing about SPORTsWall and ActiveFloor is that it’s fun and there are lots of opportunities to combine movement with learning. I think it’s extremely important for children to get plenty of movement into their childhood and everyday life. Challenging them helps to develop both their learning and physical abilities.
It’s great that there are so many different games for all ages, while teachers and coaches can create their own games as needed for the individual classes.
I think SPORTsWall is a great and exciting supplement to handball training. For me, it’s extremely important that children have fun when playing sports. It helps keep them motivated, and I have seen for myself how much fun they have with SPORTsWall. And while they’re having fun with SPORTsWall, they’re also training many of the elements and skills you need in handball: judgement, solution-oriented thinking and making the right choices; precision and control over your own body by throwing and grabbing, all combined with the fact that it has to be fast, just like on the handball court, where handball is a fast game.”
– René Toft Hansen